A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....
What happens when you are a lifelong StarWars fan and become friends with the 501st Legion Mexican Garrison?
Fandom-Force induced photographs, with real members of the 501st Legion lit only with LED lamps & composited to (kinda) matching Star Wars backgrounds!
(All backgrounds are property of their respective owners, I'm just a fan having fun!)

SandTrooper: Roberto Vilchis (who made his own weathered armor by hand)

TiePilot: Frank Zuñiga (who altered his armor to be the exact one from the pilot who crashes into Darth Vader's TIE Interceptor during the Episode IV Trench Run...hence the incomplete Empire logo on the top left of the helmet)

Scout Trooper: Karen Cassasola (Composited BG + Some Fog)

First Order Stormtrooper: Carlos Javier
Imperial Stormtrooper: Coco George
(Composited BG + Some Fog)

Darth Vader: By Jorge Merino (in this particular shot, only the Lightsaber was added in post, everything else was done in-camera)

Darth Vader: Jorge Merino
Emperor Palpatine: Rodrigo Mout (who self applies all the prosthetics!)
Lightining added in Photoshop (taken from a thunderstorm photograph I shot years before and modified in PS)

First Order Stormtrooper: Carlos Javier (kudos for being inside that super-heavy armor for so many hours!)

First Order Stormtrooper: Carlos Javier
Kylo Ren: Mauricio Villalobos

Kylo Ren: Mauricio Villalobos (with digital scar and composited BG)

Slave Leia: Princess Liz Fett (all shot on location - Hoth set Built by the 501st Mexican Garrison)

Luke Skywalker: Gema Skywalker
Obi-Wan: Fer Kenobii (both lightsabers where hand-made by them!)