Deep in Mexico City, a group of Ghostbusters,
know as Mictlan Ghostbusters, team up to hunt down the ghouls
that strike terror in the hearts of citizens.
They aint´fraid of no ghost.

Background shot in New York back in 2013... Always knew I would find a good use for it!
Explicitly done as fanwork emulating one of my favorite movies ever... you can see the compositing and how it was done in the following clip:
Almost a year after the shoot I gave myself the time to finish a second composite, using some awesome infrarred photography of Mariann Cestellos (the lovely three-headed ghost) provided by Verónica Esqueda and shot the same day thinking it could come handy for the final composite. It turns out it was totally worth it! (and yes, the background is also from the same NYC trip back in 2013)

You can also see the process of compositing and the photographs that were used for the final "poster".