Aurora, coming from the latin for "Dawn"... more commonly know as the Golden Hour for photographers.
There are various prehispanic myths that refer to gold as the liquid representation of the sun, even as its own blood.
The 6 arms represent the sun's rays and the spheric forms and femenine figure refer to the heliocentric/harmonious universe we live in. The crown is a reference for life. Which would be impossible without the energy of the sun.

Aurora: Laura Biuís
Makeup & Style: Paty Burgos (30 Segundos Centro Integral de Imágen)
Styling: Verónica Esqueda
Crown: Xul Ha Díaz
The first of the Golden Goddess series, which (as it usually happens) was NOT planned to have 6 arms, but as editing went along and I got inspired, the idea came and the rest just happened from having so many different poses from the shoot.